They besieged the Havens of the Falas under Círdan, and the siege wasn't broken until the arrival of the Ñoldor. The newly organized Orcs killed Denethor, the King of the lightly armed Laiquendi, but were eventually defeated by Thingol and his allies.
For over a millennium, the Orcs were only a minor problem, but when Melkor (Morgoth) returned with the Silmarils he took full charge of them and soon unleashed them on Beleriand. They were first seen by the Dwarves who reported them to Thingol, King of Doriath, causing the latter to seek weapons of war for the first time. They multiplied and later spread through northern Middle-earth. Īfter the War for Sake of the Elves many Orcs (along with fallen Maiar and other evil servants of Melkor) survived in the deep caves, pits, chambers, and tunnels of Melkor's underground fortress Angband. Before Oromë first found the Elves at Cuiviénen, Melkor kidnapped some of them and cruelly deformed them, twisting them into the first Orcs. They were conceived by Morgoth, during the Years of the Lamps and served him and later his successor, Sauron, in their quest to dominate Middle-earth. Orcs were the primary soldiers of the Dark Lords' armies and the most common of their servants. " Tolkien creates them to represent all that is bad about modern war." - Lynette Nusbacher in The Story of J.R.R.